My Scary Mario 64 ROM

I know you guys won't believe this, but something terrifying has happened in my life. Hell, I didn't believe it at first either. I'm going to warn you right now, this isn't any scary story or anything. I didn't get this game from some old man or off eBay. It was just a normal game...or so I thought.
I had always been a huge fan of Super Mario games with Mario 64 being my absolute favorite. I'd play it for hours on end on my Nintendo 64 and enjoyed every minute of it. Sadly, my basement was flooded and my system along with my games were unplayable. Scrambling for a means to replay my favorite childhood game, I downloaded a Nintendo 64 emulator and ROM off the internet. I had previously purchased my own USB Nintendo 64 controller as well to make it feel as nostalgic as possible.
When I started up the game, I noticed something very strange right off the bat. The title screen wasn't the same as it should have been. The letters were all stretched in various directions and the copyright Nintendo text at the bottom was a very bright red/yellow color. At first, I just laughed at how ridicolous it was, but somehow I knew that more was in store for me in this weird ROM. I guessed it must have been modified by someone or the ROM was just corrupted. I decided I would just restart the ROM and doing that would possibly fix the issue. Luckily, the title screen was restored.
I hit start on the controller and a very twisted version of Mario's head appeared on the screen. His eyes were all red and his head looked like it had been flattened with areas such as his ears streching out away from his head. After a few minutes I heard a loud, "IT'S-A ME, MARIOOOOO" in a demonic and deep voice come from my computer. It was so loud that I could hear my speakers start to crackle. I continued to play to see what else this hellspawn of a game had in store for me. I started a new game and the intro seemed normal at first. The camera pointed at the ground and a black pipe with hyper-realistic blood coming out of it emerged. A very distorted version of mario popped out of the pipe. His body was stretched in all sorts of areas and his face was mostly missing. Hyper-realistic blood dripped on his overalls as if he just comitted a murder and his hat said 666 on it instead of the usual M logo. Controlling this new Mario was very weird. It was as if Mario didn't want to move at all. He just sat there for a few minutes after I started the game crying. I knew this wasn't normal but I still wanted to see more.
I walked into Bowser's castle and I heard the devil say "HAHA JASON YOU'RE NEXT" and I got really spooked and wondered how the game knew my name. Suddenly, the screen faded to black and showed MY OWN FAMILY ON THE SCREEN EXCEPT I WASN'T THERE. I WAS REPLACED WITH A SKELETON!!!!!! I 
got really scared and started to cry. Except I wasn't crying tears, I was crying blood!!! Hyper-realistic blood!!! I felt the Nintendo 64 controller start to burn my hands and I dropped it on the floor. The controller cracked in half on the floor and blood oozed out of it. I started getting really spooked. Suddenly, my closet door slammed open and a euphoric skeleton popped out. He tilted his fedora and summoned Carl Sagan to finish me off. The skeleton walked over to me and made me drink Mountain Dew and Doritos. Then my body exploded with hyper-realistic blood everywhere.